Here's our guide to finding a quiet static…
New van with fab views – we’re excited
If you are looking for a view from your van – our Willerby Castleton is on just the plot
In the Eden Valley, we have stunning scenery and views, and our newest van for sale – the Willerby Castleton has views that are simply breathtaking. We took some pictures from it a couple of weeks ago and we just stayed there to admire the view and to see what our young man Bodhi thought of it!
We know that three L’s and 2 P’s are important when picking your caravan. Location Location Location, PARK and PLOT.
We may be biased, but we think the park is perfect for peace and quiet and views and walks and friendly neighbours,…. and …. and … and.
We also think you’ll be impressed with the plot. It’s tucked away at the end of the park. It’s always a great day when a new van arrives, and this one is situated on a prime plot with views over the orchard and the sheep – and of course the fells. We chose the Willerby Castleton for this plot, be a little different and because it has plenty of space for families (Bodhi has been checking out the sofa and the floor!) When you plan your decking, it will be a haven for watching life quietly drift by or catching the sunsets with a glass of wine or afternoon tea.
So how’s the view from the Castleton? Well, the fells are still there – they haven’t grown, but this summer our hedgerow planting has come on loads, and the lawns are looking lovely. You can also hear the quiet calls of sheep and birds, we call it the calm call of the countryside.
We invested in a robot lawnmower to see if it was any good. (Gavin was hoping it would do him out of a job!). There have been teething troubles, so we’re testing it some more before we commit – but to be honest, it does a grand job keeping the lawns manicured – and it is far quieter than Gavin!
If you want to come and see the van, remember to admire the drive down to the park, its a quiet road, just a short trip from the A66. The Willerby is at the bottom end of the park very near the wall to the orchard and the footpath.
If you want to call in and have a look – let us know and we’ll put the kettle on. Be sure to check out our Caravans for sale page for more information and updates.
To make an appointment call Gavin and Anya on 01768 351547 or 07968 760375 or email: